AsAh- a hand containing the ace of spades and ace of hearts
AA- a hand containing at least two aces
AxKy- a hand containing an ace of one suit and a king of another suit
AA, KK, QQ- a hand containing at least two aces, kings, or queens
AA-TT, 8* 8s- a stud hand with the 8s up and a big pair or an 8 in the hole
ss- a hand containing at least two spades
*- a completely random hand
15%-30%- a hand in the top 15 to 30 percent of hands.
xx- a hand containing at least two cards of the same suit
QQ:dd- a hand with at least two queens and at least two diamonds
wxyz- a hand containing four suits
RR- a hand containing at least two of the same rank 'R'
RR!RRR- a hand containing two (but not three) of the same rank 'R'
AARR- a hand containing two aces and at least two of another rank
AK-JT- equivalent to AK, KQ, QJ, JT
JT+- equivalent to JT, QJ, KQ, AK
65-- equivalent to 65, 54, 43, 32
[A,K,s]T- equivalent to AT, KT, sT
[d,A][Kd-Td]22- equivalent to dKd22, dQd22, dJd22, dTd22, AKd22, AQd22, AJd22, ATd22
Don't Play a Big Pots Heads up. Don't play big pots heads up without at least the nuts one way and a very good hand the other. If getting quartered in a multiway pot is no big deal, getting quartered in a heads up one is a disaster. Especially if the room you're playing in has a high rake. You could split the pot even and still lose money! HOURLY 2-1 - 2-28-21 10am until CLOSE: $9pr hr LIVE PLAY. TOURNAMENT OF CHAMPIONS Earn 5 pts per entry, and 10+pts per TOP 10 finish TOC Points run 12/1/20 through 2/28/21.
Big O Poker Game
It is no surprise No-Limit Hold’em is the most popular game in card rooms. With its popularity on television and in home games, it is the first game that many players learn.
Big O Poker
But after you have been playing for a while, it’s important to expand your horizons, and Omaha poker is a great way to do that. As I have written before, I played my first hand of Omaha at Pechanga Resort & Casino.
When I discovered they were spreading five-card Omaha, also known as Big O, I would make the 90-minute drive to Temecula just to play $3/$6 Big O.
Lately, however, Hollywood Park Casino in Los Angeles has been spreading $3/$6 Big O, so I can play much closer to home, and on Saturdays I play the Big O tournament, which draws around 30 Omaha players.
Corey Silver, HPC’s tournament director, explains the details of the tournament, “Our Big O tournament, held every Saturday at 3 p.m., is the only one in town! The buy-in is $60 for 10,000 chips with an optional $60 rebuy for 15,000 chips before the second break. Players that sign up for the Big O tournament are rewarded with a food voucher and a Double Jackpot slip for cash game play.”
Hollywood Park Casino is catering to Big O players. As Silver says, “Big O is becoming very popular in Southern California. Players really enjoy getting five cards to play with to make a high and a low hand instead of the regular four cards in traditional Omaha.”
Big O Poker Game
You can usually find three $3/$6 Big O and one $6/$12 Big O games on any given night at Hollywood Park. These games are a great way for beginners to get acquainted with Omaha poker.

For those players with dreams of playing on poker’s biggest stage, Hollywood Park is also sending players to the World Series of Poker via the “Road to WSOP” promotion.
On Saturday, May 21 and May 28 at 12 p.m., the $6,000 guarantee $60 buy-in No-Limit Hold’em tournament will send the top two finishers to the $565 Colossus event. A three-night’s hotel stay in Las Vegas from June 4 to 6 is also included in the prize package.
With the Colossus paying $1 million for first place, this will be a great chance to turn a $60 buy-in into a nice 7-figure payday.
Big O Poker Starting Hands
Patricia Chavira is a freelance writer and social media consultant specializing in gaming. She has played poker professionally for over 10 years. Email: [email protected]