Vendetta Online. Vendetta Online (VO) is a twitch-based, science fiction massively multiplayer online role-playing game (MMORPG) developed by Guild Software for the operating systems Android, Linux, Mac OS X, iOS, and Microsoft Windows.
This site is a growing source of information for the players of Vendetta Online. Here you will find guides, a FAQ, and other information that will be updated as the game is. Check out the Wikipedia Vendetta Online entry.
If you want to edit pages all you have to do is create an account. The syntax can be found here. Please feel free to fix grammar, spelling, and incorrect information. Also, check out the 'What can I do' page to see what is going on that needs to be done.
- Vendetta Online has a lengthy free trial, with a low subscription cost of only $1, allowing access across all available platforms (including PC). The Amazon version includes several helpful features: - Single-Player 'Free Play' mode: after completing the tutorial, a free-play sandbox sector becomes available, letting you perfect your flying.
- Watch the full length movie of Resident Evil: Vendetta online or on the Fios Mobile app. Just log on to your Verizon account and watch the latest shows online.
- Vendetta Online. January 2 at 1:09 AM SERVER SIDE UPDATES - MANY FIXES A lot of fixes have been made on the server-side over this past week. We started testing them on Thursday, and followed up with more fixes and a full server restart on Friday night.
- Vendetta Online Summary: Thousands of players interact as the pilots of spaceships in a vast universe and users may build their characters in any direction they desire, becoming rich captains of.
Documentation On Vendetta Online
FAQ - Frequently asked questions and answers on the game.
Glossary - Common Words, used by Vendetta players.
Rules - The rules of Vendetta.
IRC - Where we are in IRC, and how to use the Vendetta relay bot.
Factions - Information about the different factions and nations.
Backstory - Vendetta Online's story on how we got here.
Easter Eggs - Easter eggs that exist in Vendetta Online.
ChangeLog - Changes made in the different versions of Vendetta Online.
Plug-ins - player-made addons for Vendetta Online
Pirating - So, you want to know about pirates? Yarrr!
CtC - Information on the Capture the Cargo competition.
Dueling - A quick guide to Duels and Dueling Etiquette.
Border Combat - The front line of the war between the Serco and the Itani
Player VS. Player - A quick guide to PvP in Vendetta.
Hunting the Hive - How to do your part in the war against the Hive.
Station Conquest - Several stations in the game can be captured by players
Racing - The race tracks & large sponsored races such as the Deneb Run™.
Mining - Guide to mining, along with equipment and ore info.
Trading - How to trade and tips.
Roleplaying - Get started with the role-playing aspect.
Manufacturing - Some items can be created by players.
Ships - A handy list of the types of ships in the game.
Equipment - A handy list of the add-ons available in-game.
Bots - The types of bots such as the hive and NPCs.
Badges - A list of the discovered badges.
Missions - The different missions and explanations.
Stations - A list of stations by Faction.
Systems - A list of Systems with information on special sectors.
Guilds - Information on the guild system.
Vendetta Online
HUD - What each part of the HUD does.
Station Interface - How to interact with stations
PDA - Your omnipresent personal digital assistant
Skins - User created skins.
GTS - Galactic Trade Standard. The language of tomorrow.
Binds - Aliases and Binds for the game.
Navroutes - Useful navigation routes.
Player Contribution Corps - User created game content.
Design Wiki - Devs' plans for the future (of vendetta).
VPRpedia - A wiki on pirate activity, maintained by the Vipers.
Strategy Guide - An Unofficial Online Guide.
Serco Dominion - The Unofficial wiki of the Serco Dominion
User Creations - User created fiction and artwork (not including ships)
Player Designed Ships - Link to the images of player created ship concepts.
Backstory in Japanese - Work in progress, Japanese translation of the backstory (日本語の裏話)
Credits - You know, who did what around here.